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Oswaldo Vigas

Carla a Pleno Sol, 1996

Oil on canvas

39.3 x 51.1 inches

Oswaldo Vigas was one of the most prominent Latin American modernist artists of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Born in Valencia, Venezuela, in 1923, Vigas was an active member of the Parisian avant-garde art scene between 1952 and 1964, and went on to play a key role, upon his return to Venezuela, in shaping the cultural life of his native country. He died in Caracas in 2014. Taking inspiration from a wide variety of sources –the origin of life, the Venezuelan landscape, the history and mythology of the Venezuelan people– Vigas drew on a diversity styles that served his ongoing search into his mestizo identity. Cubism, Surrealism, Constructivism, informalism, and neo-figuration are all employed in a personal way, while the artist remained faithful to his own convictions and created a body of work containing imagery that is both authentic and unique.( …)                                                                                         


Credit: Oswaldo Vigas Fundation

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